193 Gallery, Párizs, 2023
Csoportos kiállítás Párizsban
Kiállító művészek: Barabás Zsófi, Horváth Lóczi Judit, Kusovszky Bea, Nemes Márton, Poroszlai Eszter
Kurátor: Benoit Manuel
Helyszín: 193 Gallery, 24 Rue Béranger, 75003, Párizs, Franciaország
Megtekinthető: 2023. jan.07-feb.25-ig.

Open the Gates I., II.
I always felt that to live a long, joyful life, we need to be open minded. We need to be flexible and stay open to new opportunities and knowledge. I like searching for new courses, new techniques (which I can use in art), new friends, who maybe change my mind on certain issues, present a new approach on old matters, and so on. It is my essence to expand the boundaries all the time, just like with these shaped canvases, designed for a positive and a negative corner.

‘Life’s little pleasures’ series
I started this series shortly after the beginning of the war in Ukraine.
I was shocked, overwhelmed and couldn’t do anything for a few weeks, but I also knew that I must put myself together because of our children. I have a big impact on their life, and it is a huge responsibility. It’s a must to handle this external influence, to save our family-life and their happy childhood. So, I started to look at my life, and search for small, everyday joyful moments, little pleasures, and focus only on these happy bon-bons. Then I started to paint little pieces of colorful shaped canvases, sometimes framing them in old drawers, sometimes without, leaving them free.
This is my solution-technic for times like these, and it works.

‘Evenings with Them’ series
From time to time, I like to paint about the feelings which come into my mind, when I’m thinking about my family.
Just to paint memo-recordings for myself. If I should visualize how our evenings are with our children, it would look like these paintings. I mean colorful, happy, loud, labor intensive, crazy, full of unusual elements. And maybe too much.
But I wouldn’t want to miss one second of them.