Space bending

Can't wait to show our "out of the box" exhibition. Join us on 21th of October!
More infos: here.
The very best of EH Showroom

Group show ath the 10 years old ENIHORN Showroom, which is part of the Budapest Design Week.
More infos: here.
Miniképek- group show

I was invited again this year to the minipaintings exhibition, which will be held at the Vízivárosi Galéria, Budapest.
More infos here.
Budapest Contemporary

The Budapest Contemporary will be held from the 26th to th 29th of September at the Bálna Budapest.
You can find my works, and sitespecific installation by the booth of The Space Gallery, and one more artwork (for a charity auction) at the booth of the Képező Gallery.
Come and visit us!
More infos: The Space
Gut Feeling- Ankara
Great names, great curatot, great museum, this is the Gut Feeling... exhibition, and I'm so happy for being part of it.
More infos: cermodern
Group exhibition in Istanbul

Echoes Within comes to Budapest

It's a big honor for me to bee exhibited at the Liszt Institute in Istanbul, among many great hungarian artists. Thanks for the MMA (Hungarian Academy of Arts), and for the curator, Tibor Iski Kocsis.
Exhibition of Hungarian and Slovak Women Artists Exploring the Concept of Home
Opening: 12. 09. 2024, 6 p.m.
On view: 12. 09. 2024 – 25. 10. 2024
Curators: Štefánia Ďuricová, Korinna Tánczos
Venue: Virág Benedek Ház, Budapest, Döbrentei u. 9.
Opening speech: Viktória Popovics art historian
Following the opening speech, visual artist Andrea Fajgerné Dudás will present a live performance.
Exhibiting artists:
Anna Daučíková, Lucia Dovičáková, Andrea Fajgerné Dudás, Viktória Hitka, Judit Horváth Lóczi, Svetlana Fialová, Anetta Mona Chișa & Lucia Tkáčová, Martina Chudá & Peter Lančarič, Judit Kele, Daniela Krajčová, Eszter Magyar (makeupbrutalism), Kata Mach, Eva Moflárová, Mara Oláh OMARA, Anna Eszter Tóth, Jana Želibská
More infos: facebook event
Group exhibition with the artists, who are working at the Old Artcolony in Szentendre.
Safe Space group exhibition

Nice group exhibition for the summer. More infos: here.
Group exhibition at the Képező

I'm pleased to be exhibited in the Képező Gallery, with these awesome artists.
More information about the show: here.
Group exhibition in the East Slovak Gallery

Amazing group show will open in Kosice, organized by the curators: Korinna Tánczos and Stefánia Duricová.
About Véra Molnar in the Kunszt

It was my privilage to speak about the working methode of Véra Molnar and about her big impact on my works and mindset. You can see more about her big show at the Ludwig Museum here: Kunszt.
Goup Show at the Liszt Institute Brussels

There is a nice short group exhibition at the Liszt Institute Brussels.
More information: here.
In Marie Claire Hungary
Many thanks to Niki Vermes, who wrote a short recommendation about the three of us (with Nóra Soós and Rita Cserbik) on the Marie Clare Hungary online platform.
Photo by: Orsi Egressy.
You can check the article here: Marie Claire.
Inerview on the MNB Arty and Culture
I'm so honorud to have this interview about my art, my mission, the background and philosophy of my rtworks.
Also many thanks for the beautiful photos, made in my studio.
Here you can check the whole article: MNB Arts and Culture.
Article about the Code + Canvas show

You can read about the curatorial background of our group show, which is on view till the ned of March in Berlin, here: Article.
Code + Canvas group exhibition in Berlin

The next exhibition of the contemporary art collection of the Central Bank of Hungary: “Code + Canvas” in the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin
The exhibition organised by MNB Arts and Culture titled “Code + Canvas. Post-digital works from the collection of the Central Bank of Hungary” is opening on 9 February, 2024 at the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin (CHB)
The exhibition brought to life by a collaboration between MNB Arts and Culture and Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, presents a selection of contemporary artworks from the collection of the Central Bank of Hungary (Magyar Nemzeti Bank – MNB), along the concept of the curators Kinga Hamvai and Zsuzska Petró.
The show, which opens on 9 February, can be seen until 22 March in the exhibition space of the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, Dorotheenstraße.
Exhibited artists: Róbert Batykó, Martin Góth, Judit Horváth Lóczi, Bea Kusovszky, Márton Nemes, Tomasz Piars, Gergő Szinyova, Ádám Varga and Orsolya Lia Vető.
More informations: facebook event.
Short video about my art and studio

Thanks for the art portal to make this short video with me.
You can check it here.
Hintalovon Foundation - exhibition, charity project

An other heartbreaking project for this year...
21 artists (writers and visual artists) worked on artworks, which will be exhibited at The Space Budapest Gallery from 17 11 to 21 12 2023.
Our topic was children rights, which is not an easy one, but it's very important to think it through and try to do something to encourage our childern.
More infos: here and here.
Uninterrupted Mom - Finissage

Finissage at our exhibition, on the 17th of November. Come and join us from 4 to 6pm for a workshop, and from 6 to 8pm for guided tour and art coaching.
More infos: here.
Press release

Article about our group show, on the
Open Day at the exhibition

Open day at our exhibition. Come and join us on the 4th of November!
Uninterrupted Mom

I'm so excetied to announce this new group show,
made by six artist-mothers.
The exhibition will be open from 17 10 till 17 11,
at the Mank Gallery, in Szentendre.
Curator: Tünde Sipos
Andrea Fajgerné Dudás,
Zsófia Fenyves,
Lilla Gergely-Farnos,
Eszter Nádas,
Nóra Surányi,
Judit Horváth Lóczi.
Budapest Contemporary Art Fair

My newest works are on view from 21th till 24th of September at the Budapest Contemaporary Art Fair.
You can check them at the booth of The Space Budapest. Can't wait to meet there!
In a private collection

It was my honor to create an artwork dedicated to the private collection called "Hungarikonok" (by Tamás Kárpáti). I could use a unique paperpiece form the desk of Victor Vasarely on the canvas.
Group exhibition at the MANK Gallery

I can take part at a very nice group exhibition, where peace and solitude were the main topics. More infos about: here.
Paradise as a mindset

I was so lucky again this year, that I could participate at the Miszla Artcamp. We had a fantastic 10 days togehter, with important coneversations and a beautiful exhibition at the end.
Come as you are...

I'm happy to share this awesome group exhibition at the KPMG Hungary, which will be open till 14 07.
Come and visit
Summer Exhibition and Art Fair

You can find two of my newest paperworks at the Újműhely Gallery in Szentendre, which are ready to buy.
Visit the art fair till the end of August!
17th Summer Exhibition in Szeged

Summer Exhibition in Szeged is now open, and you can find my silkscreen print : 'Open minded' there.
More in formations: here.
Finissage and guided tour

Our beloved exhibition will close on the 11th of June, with a guided tour made by the artists. Come and join us!
More infos here.
Innovation in Contemporary Art - group exhibition

Our great group exhibition opens on 09 06 2023, 7pm, at The Vasarely Museum Budapest. I'm do grateful to be in!
Sanctum #3 - panel discussion

Total art panel discussion on the 20th of May, in Szentendre, with the great Anna Szabó T., Konkoi music, and Anna Juhász. I'm so glad to be part of it!
More infos about: here.
Women Made pop-up exhibition

Pop-up group exhibition with great designers at the KO seven Studio, from 18 to 20 May.
More infos: here.
Tendences - group exhibition
Check it out this group exhibition of the Association of Hungarian Painters' in the beautiful REÖK palace!
More info: here.
Innovation in Drawingand Printmaking Art - group exhibition

It's my honour to be a part of this great group exhibition. Warmly welcome!
Liquid Slices of Time group exhibition

Great group exhibition in Veszprém, where I'm exhibited with my idols.
It will be open till 11-06-2023. Warmly recommended.
More infos: facebook event.
Group exhibition in the Artcolony

Group exhibition curated from the artworks of the artists working at the Old Artcolony in Szentendre.
Come and visit it till 9th of June. More infos: facebook event.
Video interview
Video interview with us (the artists) about the main quetions which we worked with in the 'Similar Stories' exhibition. Made by the curator - Noémi Szabó-, and the gallerist - Linda Bérczi. Must see: You Tube.
Article on the

Smart and exciting article from Noemi Szabo curator on the Check it out!
Interview in the Remind magazine

Many thanks for the inteview to Anna Kerekes (Remind magazine).
You can read it here: Remind magazine online.
Art&Antique art fair

You can see my newest paintings (from the series 'Evenings with Them') at the Art&Antique Art Fair (Bálna Budapest, 02-05 03 2023), on the booth of The Space gallery. see you there!
Guided Tour with me

A big-big honour and challennge for me, that I will make a guided tour at the 'Hantai, Klee and Other Abstractions' exhibition in the Fine Arts Museum in Budapest. You can join us on 02-03-2023, 4pm.
Facebook event: here.
Press release, 'Similar Stories'

Nice article about our duo exhibition ('Similar Stories', curated by Noémi Szabó) with Andrea Fajgerné Dudás, at The Space Budapest Gallery. You can read it here: Visszhang.
Press release 'Abstraction is Freedom'

Hungarian article about our group exhibition ('Abstraction is Freedom') in Paris.
You can read the artcile from Katica Kocsi here:

Our super-excitedly waited exhibition with Andrea Fajgerné Dudás will open on the 15th of February at 5pm.
Curated by Noémi Szabó, installed in The Space Budapest.
It will be open till 24-03-2023. More infos about the show: here.
Pop up exhibition, Saint Brigid's Day

It's a great honor for me to accept the invitation of the Embassy of Ireland in Hungary and be part of this pop up exhibition at The Space gallery. For more informations please go to the facebook event.
Exhibition in Paris

I'm so proud to inform you, that our group exhibition will open at the 7th of January in Paris, at the 193 Gallery. Amazing company (Artists: Zsófi Barabás, Eszter Poroszlai, Bea Kusovszky, Márton Nemes, Judit Horváth Lóczi, curator: Benoit Manuel), amazing gallery. See you there!
More infos here.
Portret album

I couldn't be happier like to have this beautiful portret and striking poem in the 'Women in Hungary III.' album.
Big thanks to Évi Fávbián and Zsuzsanna Horváth. Some article about the album:, Né
And about the exhibition with the photographs: Youtue video.
Interview at the

I'm so thankful for the great interview for Dóra Konsanszky, about art, visuality and fashion.
Here you can check it:
Charity auction

There are requests, to which I can't say no. To make an artwork for the Auction of the Autictic Art Foundation was one of these. I worked with the inspiration of Laci Bihari, and I enjoyed it"s every moment.
Autumn Exhibition in Hódmezővásárhely

This year I'm lucky enough to exhibit one of my big paintings at the prestigious Autumn Exhibition, which is organized every year in Hódmezővásárhely.
You can find more informations here.
Exhibition and prize

It's my big honour to take part (first time) at the 'Minipaintings' exhibition at the Vízivárosi Gallery, and win the prize of the MANK at the same exhibition. More infos about the prize and the exhibition: here.
Article about the Almárium

I found a nice and critical in tone article on the You can read it here.
I'm lucky enogh to have a fresh interview about the 'Almárium' exhbition, which was made by the talented Judit Jankó.
Please check the interview:

Interview on the

Thanks to Erzsébet Takács, and her thought-provoking quetions, I show you one of my favourite interviews. Check it out here:
Press releases

It is such an honor to tell you, that my exhibition is recommended by the Artmagazin (check the link: Artmagazin online)
and also by tha (check it here:
Many thanks!
Virtual tour

There is a virtual tour about my exhibition. If you couldn't visit it in person, you can have a very professional visual insight of the 'Almárium'. Check the link: virtual tour
'Almárium' solo show

I'm so happy to announce, that my solo show called 'Almárium' will be opened ath the 30th of August.
Warmly wellcome to everyone!
More infos: facebook event.
Garten Balaton Art Fair

Garten Balaton will be held this year again, from 5- to 14 August. I'm also ther with two works of Art.
Come and check the exhibition and the programs!
Exhibition at the Glasshouse

It' s so cool to exhibit my objects at the new mini-gallery of Budapest, at the Glasshouse. It's seeable all day and night.
My artist partner is the wonderful Aniko Robitz, the exhibition is on view till 01-08-2022.
Thanks to the organizers: The Space Budapest, MOM Kult.
My Obvious Presence - group exhibition

It's my great honour to be invited to this amazing group exhibition about the taboos and truth of parenthood, curated by Kata Oltai. The opening will be held on 02-05-2022 at 6pm, at the Deák Erika Gallery.
More infos: at the facebook event.
Geometrical forms in space - group show

It was my pleasure to take part at the pop-up exhibition, curated by Gábor Rieder. The artworks of the group exhibition were chosen from the MNB Collection.
A nice article about the events:
Fahrenheit 451 - poster

It will be one of my favourite projects of this year for sure.
I had the privilage to create the poster of the new theater piece: Fahrenheit 451.
The story is amazing, just like the premier was in the Radnóti Theater.
More about it: Radnóti.
RAF Spring art fair

My newest series (Want back my bright future) will be on view at the spring art fair of the Resident Art.
The exhibition-art fair will be open from 29-04-2022 till 8-05-2022, in the Klauzál6 Gallery.
Check out the event: RAF, and the online catalogue.
Kassák Contemporary Art Award

I'm so pleased to tell you that I'm one of the finalsits of the first Kassák Contemporary Art Award.
You can check the resume of my application at this video.
More informations about the award: Kassák Múzeum.
Dove of Peace exhibition and charity fair

We are six artists, who decided to do something to help fro the Ukrainien refugees. We made five unique molinos to sell, and have some beautiful assecories from the DUET WITH BIRDS exhibition.
More infos about our charity fair in the ENIORN showroom: event.
Charity Auction for the Ukrainian refugees

Many thanks for the Pintér Auction House in Budapest, to organize this great contemporary art auction which with we can help for the refugees from Ukraine.
Solo show in Innsbruck

I'm so glad to reveal my solo show at the Hungarian Consulate in Innsbruck.
The exhibition titled 'Memories to Preserve' is open till 6 April, and visitable by appointment.
Group exhibition in Budapest

New group exhibition at the Faur Zsófi gallery, with my newest work: The more I try, the less it's working.
More informations: Nekem a kint, nekem a bent.
Article - OCTOGON.HU

Thanks to the new series of Lili Farkas-Zentai, I spoak about my past as a landscape architect and about the long way to become a fine artist.
It was not easy to think through these hard and miraculous jorney, you can read the result here: OCTOGON.HU.
Group exhibition with NeighbourART

About NeighbourART blog and group:
Hungarian artists' thoughts about life, their memories and their creations. Same questions, different answers. Get to know these talented people who live among us. One desk - their desk that is a part of their everyday life can tell a lot...
Exhibitiors: Zsófi Barabás, Szilvia Bolla, Mátyás Czanik, Balázs Csizik, Ferenc Forrai, Aniko Herbert, Judit Horváth Lóczi, Keresztesi Botond, Reka Koti, Lehel Kovacs, Dani Labrosse, Lilla Liszkay, Máté Mile, Lilla Pajer, Milán Rácmolnár, Balázs Solti, Éva Szakál, Zsófia Szemző, Szigeti G Csongor, Zsolt Vidak, András Vizi
The Two Generations exhibition in Paris

Group exhibition in Paris
Place: Galerie ALLER SIMPLE
Organized by the Abigail Gallery
Address: Grand Paris / Longjumeau-Champlan
Date: 2018. nov. 23 - dec. 23.
Exhibitors: Barna Benedek, Tibor CSIKY, Fajó János, Rose FEJTŐ, Judit Horváth Lóczi, Gábor HERITESZ, Katalin HETEY, Tamás KONOK, Ferenc LANTOS, Bence Marafkó, Véra Molnar, Nagámi Nagy, Judith NEM'S, Antal NEMCSICS, Zsigmond H. SERÉNYI, András Wolsk
SHIFT exhibition in Berlin